This week I challenge myself and you to love moms. Mom's are giving more then they ever imagined possible to this little baby, child or even teen. So let's love on them. How can we love moms?
- We can love moms by feeding them and there family. Maybe a casserole, soup, or salad. You can even do a few freezer meals so all she had to do is pop it in the oven. Lasagna anyone? Don't be shy ask her what her and her family like, or go with one of your family's favorites.
- Is your friend canceling plans with you? Well another way to show her some love is to grab a couple coffees and head over to her house. Help her do dishes, fold laundry or let her grab a break and take a shower. Babies and little ones are very needy and take her attention from her husband. So you can also volunteer to babysit so she can spend some time with her husband
- Pamper her. Give her some baked goods to let her to know you thought of her. You can put together a little basket of bubble bath items, new books on cd, or even a gift card to her favorite shop.
- Realizing she is exhausted so offer to run some errands for her or even with her. Offer to grocery shop, go to the laundry mat or dry cleaners. Doing these things for her means she may get some rest or can have some extra quiet time. Doing it with her allows her some adult time as well as a breather.
- Last but not least let her know she isn't forgotten, send her a card with a note, a gift card, flowers or even a fruit basket. Maybe a singing tel-o-gram or a note on facebook. Just let her know she hasn't been forgotten.
Now that you I've given you some ideas let's get to work. How are you planning to show a mom she is loved?
Join me next Friday as we continue to love others well.
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