If you have known me for any of 2011-2015 you know that have been fearful. God doesn't want me to live in this fear. As I have been journaling (writing Scripture) this month. I have encountered "Do not be afraid". It feels like it has appeared constantly, but I think that is because God wants me to live in freedom.

Living in freedom means not being afraid.
So before I tell you about what I hope living fearlessly in 2016 looks like. I want to tell you about living in fear.
I accepted a job because I was scared nothing else would come around. That I wouldn't be good enough. I mean, I applied to a job that I thought I would be perfect for and they went with someone else. Without even telling me.
I have ignored God's voice telling me it is okay to allow others in. Yep, I am a true loner. I would be fine sitting in my apartment all by my lonesome. Ok, that is so not the truth, but it is what I want people to think.
I took a break from my church jobs, yet I still worked on these things, because I didn't want to be replaced. Yep, so break or no break. I didn't rest like I needed. God is pointing out this in my pure exhaustion.
I have ignored God leading me to start my own business. Except in those moments when I am tired of the toxic work environment, I have grown accustomed to.
All this time, I have yearned for the faith to move, in these areas. Yearned for God's protection if I did move. Yet, I see the holes in the plan and am concerned that God will let me fall through them. So in 2016, I want to live fearlessly.
How am I going to live fearlessly?
1. I am going to work on starting that business. I have an idea, a deadline, and my plan is coming together. When I am exhausted, I know I need to move forward, but can't see how. I have reached that point with this, but I have a plan to work it out while also resting.
2. I am once again going to take a break from my church duties. Not everything, but I am no longer going to strive to do it all. We were never meant to do it all. God has others who are capable of doing some of the things I do. So I will let them stretch their wings and grow.

These are the biggies. I hope that you will join me as I try to live 2016 fearlessly. Oh, and if you want to pick one word for your 2016. It isn't too late. You can do it, check out one word 365 where you can decide to live intentionally and find your one word. If you do I would love to hear your one word.
If you're a blogger, link to your post about your one word, so I can check it out, and help encourage you.
If you want to follow my journey you can subscribe to my blog. I promise to not take advantage but to treat it like I would want mine treated.
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