xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> Grace 4 Me & U: Get out of the Box; the Not so Cubicle God


Get out of the Box; the Not so Cubicle God

Sometimes we put God’s love in a box, stating that He only loves us if we are good enough.  God’s love for us is bigger than we could ever imagine. Find this reminder about accepting God’s love outside the box. | Grace 4 Me & U
So I am sure you have heard that you should think outside the box. That might sound like a scene from Duck Dynasty. When Phil is building a play house for his granddaughters. He didn't look at the directions and it looks like a big mess. So one of the girls says this isn't right. There's supposed to be a window. Phil uses a chainsaw to cut a window. Well that isn't what I'm talking about. I am talking about you putting the love of God in a box.

How do you put the love of God in a box? By living the "have to do this so God will love me" life. Making the law more important then the grace God gives you. Saying "if I don't ... then I'm not saved". Get out of that box and understand that God loves you for who you are. Quirks and all.
Sorry to be the one to break this to you, but nothing you do can cause God to love you any more or any less. To think you have that much power is prideful.

Sometimes we put God’s love in a box, stating that He only loves us if we are good enough.  God’s love for us is bigger than we could ever imagine. Find this reminder about accepting God’s love outside the box. | Grace 4 Me & UFor those who believe "I can make God love me by being good enough.." Do you not realize that your flesh, the body you live in isn't perfect. While you are not perfect God is. Well that mixes things up. If God is perfect that means that to be good enough you would have to be perfect. Okay, if you want to be perfect you can try. By all means show me how it's done! When you fail, and you will fail what are you going to do?

You are going to ask forgiveness, and start again. Why not give up the trying hard to earn the love that God has given you. The Isrealite's couldn't live up to God's expectations laid out in the law. So what makes you think, with all the new modern day devices that put temptation in your face 24/7 you can?

I'm not saying you shouldn't live a righteous life. I'm saying to know that success and failure isn't going to change how God see's you. Living a good life for him, one where everything you do is for his glory, that will make him happy. Just like any parent who see's their child doing what is good will be proud.

Now for those of you who think you can make God not love you! That you can't be forgiven. What have you done that was so bad? I mean Peter denied Christ but Jesus forgave Peter. You know something even cooler. While Jesus was on the cross he asked God to forgive those who were crucifying him. Asking God to forgive those who were taking his clothes. So if he can forgive those who persecuted him. Forgiving those who hung him on a cross, those who broke his physical body, he can and will forgive you.

Sometimes we put God’s love in a box, stating that He only loves us if we are good enough.  God’s love for us is bigger than we could ever imagine. Find this reminder about accepting God’s love outside the box. | Grace 4 Me & U

So get out of the box. Decide that you will do your best, but when you fail know God still loves you. God's love is unconditional. This means no matter how good or bad you are God loves you. Yes, you! God didn't come to condemn you, he came to set you free
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." - John 3:16-17
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." - Galatians 5:1
So know that Jesus is all you need. He covers us when we fail and he fulfills the need for perfection.
How do you start over after you fail God?

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