xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> Grace 4 Me & U: Lean not on your own Misunderstanding


Lean not on your own Misunderstanding

Have you ever been in a house of mirrors. When you look in one mirror you appear tall and skinny, in another, short and wide. Do you take that what you are seeing and decide how your going to change yourself based on that mirror. If your tall and skinny, do you think I'm going to buy some cotton candy? If you looking in the short and wide are you thinking I need to grab my heels? No, because you know that the mirror is flawed.  Well I think it is time to look at my understanding, is it flawed?

Have you ever felt God telling you what you see isn’t what he sees, and your understanding can’t comprehend his plans?  Well this post shares what I’ve learned from leaning on my own understand, flawed and all. | Grace 4 Me & U
Mirror Egg Reflections By: LollyKnit

So I have been struggling with trusting God. Not only that but I keep trying to go into fix-it mode when I feel something needs to be fixed. When I really feel lost I pray, even though I should probably pray before becoming lost. Asking directions before you get lost saves a lot of time and in your life a lot of heartbreak.

After I prayed I decided to study my Bible. I opened my Bible really hoping for some guidance and boy did I find it. I opened my Bible to begin reading in Proverbs. My eyes where attracted to the second page.

So I started reading and here is the gem I found...
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
Wow what an amazing gem. Trust in the Lord. Man I seem to be dealing with my lack of trust lately. Or at least hearing it quite often from different sources. Maybe God is trying to tell me something? Trusting in him will give me peace will set me free from the weight I put on myself.

Lean on on my own understanding. Seriously, but I know what I'm doing! I know this issue needs to be fixed because it is hurting people. Why can't I fix it now, and how I think it needs to be fixed? God responded. "Your understanding is of what you see, I can see the whole picture. Lean not on your own understanding, I will work this out."

In all your ways acknowledge him. My Bible notes that acknowledging God isn't giving him a nod it is living close to him. In living close to him he make our paths straight. He will guide us. Maybe that issue doesn't need to be fixed now and by trying to fix it I am really just causing myself and those who are involved more pain. I need to stop trying to be the girl on the sideline who is yelling directions at the players and let the coach run the plays. Because by yelling all I am doing is distracting the players and making myself look crazy. My trying to fix my own problems all I am doing is distracting myself from the one who can truly fix my problems in the best way.

Have you ever felt God telling you what you see isn’t what he sees, and your understanding can’t comprehend his plans?  Well this post shares what I’ve learned from leaning on my own understand, flawed and all.  | Ona C.
Mirrors from Bhaktapur, Nepal By: Sukanto Debnath
So despite my desire to fix. I am going to lean not on my own understanding because I know God has my life planned out and through out the broken moments he is stretching me, preparing me for where he wants me. I am going to trust him and try to grow closer to him because in doing that I will know where he wants me.

Have you ever leaned on your own understanding? How did God get your attention?

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