xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> Grace 4 Me & U: Why so Jealous?: Part 2 on Jealousy


Why so Jealous?: Part 2 on Jealousy

It is by God's grace that we can overcome the Cain complex of being jealous of what God has done for others. Check out this post about how to overcome jealousy. | Grace 4 Me & U
It is by God's grace that we can overcome the Cain complex of being jealous of what God has done for others. Check out this post about how to overcome jealousy.

Last week I admitted to suffering from a heart condition. The condition was jealousy. This is not something I'm proud of. Last week we discussed why people become jealous, and gave examples of jealousy pulling people apart.

I love the people around me, I just feel left out and lonely as I watch God bless then and leave me out in the cold. I hate this feeling and it has been through the Grace of God I don't fall into this lie as often. I hope you enjoy the rest of my study on jealousy. If you missed last weeks post I recommend reading it before going any further.

Don't underestimate the dangers of Jealousy

In Genesis 4 we learn about Cain and Abel. Cain became jealous that God accepted Abel's sacrifice but not his. Then God warned Cain that sin was crouching at the door. Cain was allowing his jealousy to lead to anger, which lead to the first murder.

Joseph was his fathers favorite child, even to the point of giving him a gift of a many colored coat. A coat that would be something only the rich would wear. Joseph's brothers never got anything as special. Joseph was blessed with dreams, dreams about where God was going to take him. His brothers became jealous and when his father sent him to them, they wished him dead. Did they kill him, no, because of 1 brother they didn't but they did sell him into slavery.

Maybe our jealousy has never lead us to murder someone, or even think about murdering someone. I have a feeling that being jealousy kept you from showing God's love to them?  I know it has me, I fail in this area, but with God's grace I also succeed.

Overcoming jealousy
It is by God's grace that we can overcome the Cain complex of being jealous of what God has done for others. Check out this post about how to overcome jealousy. | Grace 4 Me & U

12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh. - Romans 13:12-14
Clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember What would Jesus Do? Jesus would show love, humility, truth and service. If we allow ourselves to entertain jealous ideas we can't love or serve because we are not being humble.  We could fall into the trap of Cain or Joseph's brothers.

Don't fall into the trap! I ask that you look at your heart and see if you suffer from this heart condition. If you do pray that God will give you grace and help you. I also challenge you to show those your jealous of some love. By giving gifts to one of the people I've been jealous of, I have found a new love for them. Praise God. I pray that God will give you the same kind of deliverance and love around you.

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